Welcome to MAP syntax diagrams

This application is intended for the analyse the structure of ancient divine onomastic sequences. Input data must follows the format defined in the ERC project Mapping Ancient Polytheisms and be stored in a column entitled “formule”.

In this format, an onomastic sequence such as:
  lʿštrt lʾdny lʾšmn
is represented as:
  To Astarte / [ to his lord # to Eshmoun ]
and encoded as:
  1 / [ 2 # 3 ]

Numbers refer to the elements of the sequence (nouns, adjectives, etc.), four symbols (+, /, #, =) qualify their relations, and brackets and parentheses are used to group the elements in syntagmas.
For more information:
  • code source: github repository.
  • documentation:
    • report: Plutniak S., 2021, MAP Syntax diagrams : visualiser, décrire et comparer les séquences onomastiques divines de l’Antiquité, hal-02532617.
    • poster: Plutniak S., 2021, MAP syntax diagrams: an online tool to visualise, describe, and compare Ancient divine onomastic sequences, hal-03118484.
  • reference: Plutniak S. 2021 “MAP syntax diagrams (Version v0.2)”. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4443132.

Input table

Sequence lengths

Diagram statistics

Graph distances

Syntax diagram plot